5 Tips for Marketing Your Web Site

1. Think strategically. Your Web site should be a part of your overall marketing plan.

2. Choose a Web site address (URL) that’s intuitive and easy to remember. Your company’s name (if it’s short) or the name of your main product might work well.

3. Put your Web address on all your printed material, including business cards, letterhead, press releases and invoices. Include it in all your advertising.

Are You a Spiritualpreneur?

By Sharon C Wilson

There is a movement happening.

Everywhere, there are business people operating with conscious awareness to bring solid and enduring transformation to the world. They are reading books that teach universal principles and drawing the world's attention to this movement now!

Some work independently and all feel compelled to listen to the voice within. Their mission is to contribute to the world. Their purpose is to work together to empower and transform both themselves and all those they are called to serve.